Monday, April 26, 2010

Posting on Fridays

I have been so busy that I have not been blogging at all anymore. Tony thought that we should close it all together, but I really did not want to do that because we are thinking of exciting things for the future with maybe more adoptions.
We have been reading Chrissie's blog lately because she was adopted from Reece's Rainbow right before we did. Chrissie had open heart surgery and has been fighting for her life since last Monday. Her parents have inspired me to adopt again. They knew when they adopted her that she had a bad heart, yet they obeyed God and adopted her and gave her the best life she would ever have. I'm just amazed at how calm the mom is. I did not ever think that I could bring home a child that may die, but now she has me thinking again. Maybe that is the child I need to bring home. It will take a lot of praying for us. I know that right now we are talking about it. My husband really wants to start an Orphans Outreach program at our church here in San Antonio. He thinks that's where God wants us right now. So, We just need to see where God is taking us right now.
For now on I think Im going to post every Friday. I feel bad that we are not posting as much as we had, but we are having a lot of therapy right now, and Elisa is stating school this week. She is so cute with her little bag. I will have alot of pictures on Friday for you guys. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Our Progress so Far

Monday will be an exciting day for us!! Little Leeska will start her first day of preschool. The school bus will come all the way to our home, which is a good 30 minute drive, and take her by bus to school. She will stay there for 2 hours, then return home. The teachers have all been so kind to us, and to her. She is the smallest kid in her class, and I think the cutest!!!
The other 2 babies are still doing great in there therapy. Little Nessie is starting to stand by herself and has now taken 2 steps. She has also gained a lot of weight. Her hair has gotten so much longer, and finally one of my girls is going to have those cute little curls!!
Eli, well Eli is ALL OVER THE HOUSE!! We had to put in a gate to keep him in one place. He really hates it a lot. He now cries when he is in it. He uses his head to push against the gate until it either falls, or moves open enough that he can get through it. Once he gets through it he uses his military crawl, really fast to get to the stairs as fast as he can. He knows once he is out we will come to get him so once he sees us he goes even faster. Its funny because he knows he should not be doing what he is doing. Eli is so big and so strong that he really does not know his own strength.. He is going to be a super strong kid!!
Last Sunday Nessie turned 2, now this Monday Leeska will be 3. We feel like they have changed so much in the past few months. God has given us so much. We know we want to adopt again, but its such a hard decision. Before Leeska was sorda picked out for us, so we just picked more kids from her orphange. Now we have the chance to pick any kid from anywhere. How do you do this?? For now we will just pray that God will give us the answer to this question. We don't need to rush into anything because we are loving what we have right now!!
I just wanted to let all the Reeces Rainbow families know that if you are adopting from Russia we are praying for you guys that your adoptions go smoothly because of what this woman did to mess up every ones adoptions! It sad that this has happened, and I hope that they do not shut down all the adoptions!! We will be praying for you guys!